Saint Gregory of Nyssa, died in 385 AD

Saint Gregory of Nyssa, 335 – 385 A.D.

The sky was not made in God’s image, not the moon, not the sun, not the beauty of the stars, no other things which appear in creation. Only you (human soul) were made to be the image of nature that surpasses every intellect, likeness of incorruptible beauty, mark of true divinity, vessel of blessed life, image of true light, that when you look upon it you become what he is, because through the reflected ray coming from your purity you imitate him who shines within you. Nothing that exists can measure up to your greatness. ~Saint Gregory of Nyssa, Homilia in Canticum

I’ve been reading Pope Benedict XVI’s outstanding Church Fathers: From Clement of Rome to Augustine. Pick it up. Learn the faith of our fathers.