No big surprise: You cannot conceal the horrible taste of something that is burned. After I decided to forever boycott Starbucks for its militant advocacy of every liberal cause under the sun, the slim pickings for a convenient location for coffee here in Milwaukee left me with few choices outside of Colectivo, formerly Alterra. (Morning rushes prohibit me from driving across town to my favorite hole in the wall cafe, where coffee is unfailingly smooth.) Lately though, after many AM and PM stops, I’ve noticed that Colectivo’s coffee has been performing at sub-par levels. Anyone agree? Despite attempts to vary its flavors and blends with pretentious, hipster names (like today, for instance, I tried the Velo, at other times, the Voltaire, or Costa Rica, and so on) my disappointment has been consistent. It’s like rearranging the chairs on the deck of the Titanic. The ship’s fate is sealed, regardless of any superficial, cosmetic alterations you try to make. Newsflash: Once something is burned, it’s finished.
Driving in my car this morning, with the sticky, stubborn taste of burnt coffee clinging to my palate, I was trying to piece together this short grievance in order to give accurate voice to my deep frustrations. I’m so disappointed in you, Colectivo. You had so much potential. Alas, (dare I say it?) you became too big…and you failed.