Frequent visitors to Cream City Catholic know that two things are important to me: beautiful liturgy and good coffee. Pretty much nothing else matters. (haha) You also know that I have reached a point of no return with Colectivo. We had a good run, but we’re through. They’ve gotten lazy and their coffee has suffered as a result. So for some time now, I’ve been on a quest to find an alternative cafe in Milwaukee, a place where quality is given priority over conveyor belt cups of mediocre, overpriced coffee. (Ask the Italians and they’ll tell you: coffee, real coffee, is an art.) Happily, I found just the place in Valentine Coffee Roasters, on 59th and Vliet. A couple of local friends, also disillusioned with Colectivo, tipped me off to Valentine Coffee and so today, I took a stroll there to try out a cup of joe.
What did I notice from the start? Each cup of coffee is brewed individually in a vacuum coffee maker. What does that mean? You avoid the all-too-common problem of drinking stale and/or burnt coffee pumped out of a large dispenser. Also, since each cup is individually prepared, the water-to-coffee ratio is perfect each time. Does the vacuum brew take bit more time? Yes. Is it considerably better? YES. The coffee was amazing. In addition, Valentine provides simple syrup as well as raw, organic sugar. I tried out the simple syrup and really enjoyed the taste.
So, friends, better options are out there. We are not doomed to force down terrible coffee at pretentious cafes afflicted with superiority complexes. Experience the love at Valentine Coffee Co.