Sacred Liturgy: The Source and Summit of the Life and Mission of the Church was just released by Ignatius Press. My copy arrived in the mail yesterday. The book is a collection of all the talks that were given at an international conference on Sacred Liturgy (Sacra Liturgia 2013) last year in Rome at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, my alma mater. Cardinals, bishops, priests and laymen gathered to discuss liturgy and the New Evangelization, especially in light of the pontificate of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. Much attention is given to the Usus Antiquior and to the unique role it has in the ongoing reform of the Novus Ordo, and in the life of the Church in general. Other topics include: beauty, the ars celebrandi, architecture, sacred music, Canon law and liturgy, as well as the indispensable role of the bishop in safeguarding the authentic celebration of liturgy in his diocese. I’ve made a small dent in the book and cannot recommend it highly enough to anyone interested in a genuine renewal in the life of the Church. I think I’ll just start giving out copies to people I know…
In the Introduction, Bishop Dominique Rey cites then-Cardinal Ratzinger, who once said, “the true celebration of the Sacred Liturgy is the center of any renewal of the Church whatever.” The bishop then adds, “I wish to say very clearly that the New Evangelization must be founded on the faithful and fruitful celebration of the Sacred Liturgy as given to us by the Church in her tradition-Western and Eastern.” Well, we couldn’t agree more here at Cream City Catholic.
So, if you want a good read for the summer months, pick up Sacred Liturgy: The Source and Summit of the Life and Mission of the Church.