As the Church of England gave the final nod to the ordination of female “bishops” today, we read this, from The Daily Beast (number five on the Cheat Sheet).
Church of England Studying Euthanasia
The Church of England is calling for an inquiry into assisted dying as debate between top leaders over support to a new bill legalization. Former Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. George Carey, made waves when he changed his stance on the bill saying it will prevent “needless suffering.”
There you go. I guess this is what happens when you have a body that’s governed, not by the Holy Spirit through apostolic succession, but by a policy of magisterium-by-majority, set to the tune of a radically secularized and increasingly anti-Christian culture. As the CofE continues its tailspin into irrelevance, becoming the Church of Modern Secularism (with a veneer of feel-good, doctrine-less Christianity for kicks) the genius of Pope Benedict XVI’s creation of the Anglican Ordinariate becomes all the more apparent. Scores of traditional Anglicans who are deeply attached to their rich liturgical traditions and, at the same time, are turned off by the endless accommodation to secularism on the part of their leadership, have found a welcome home in the Catholic Church.