San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone is insisting that Catholic schools in his archdiocese actually promote authentic Catholic doctrine. For their part, teachers are going to be expected to live their lives according to the teachings of the Church. And this is news? Sadly, such is the state of affairs that yes, this is news, as so many Catholic schools in our nation have capitulated to the demands of a secular culture and fear of a financial shortfall. Attempts by a courageous bishop at reinstating a degree of order and Catholic identity are seen as a sacrilege against the goddesses of tolerance and acceptance. Predictably, Cordileone has received a strong dose of criticism, and even spoiled, ungrateful teens are tweeting their anger. Here is an excerpt of his response.
The temptation we all feel is to soft-pedal these [hot-button] issues – better not to go there, or at least don’t insist upon it, less we be judged adversely by others and not ‘fit in.’ But this is a time more than ever that our Catholic schools have to step up to the plate, and be true to what they are called to be – for the good of our young people in this life and in the next.