Here are a couple “before and after” photos of the walls inside Saint Stanislaus Oratory. For the past few months, scaffolding has filled the nave, as artists work to restore color to the wall’s ornate detailing. In the ’60s, a coat of beige paint coated virtually everything inside the church, even the white marble upon which are displayed the Stations of the Cross. The end result is amazing. The unique bas-reliefs depicting saints are also much more visible now. New stained-glass windows are next on the list. (Can you tell these windows came from the ’60s?) Slowly, they are being replaced with traditional windows of saints. The parish dinner auction last week raised enough to pay for the Saint Thérèse of Lisieux window near the ambo. The windows of Our Lady you see in the “after” photo are templates showing what the future windows will look like.
It’s exciting to be a member of a parish that recognizes the importance of beauty as it relates to sacred liturgy and the ars celebrandi. To see concrete steps materializing that roll back disastrous initiatives made decades ago is very encouraging.