This Thursday, June 15th, is the Feast of Corpus Christi according to the traditional calendar. So what better way to mark this great day, where we reaffirm our belief in Christ’s presence in the Blessed Sacrament, than to take to the streets of Milwaukee for an impressive candlelight procession?
The procession will begin immediately from Saint Stanislaus following the 6:30pm Solemn High Mass. From there, we will walk a few blocks west on Mitchell Street to Old Saint Anthony Parish for the consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. After this, the procession will continue down Mitchell Street to Saint Vincent de Paul for benediction. It’s going to be a longer procession than we’ve done in years past, but what an amazing opportunity to bring our Catholic faith to the streets of Milwaukee! We’re also showing the vitality of our growing traditional parish.
Be sure to come and bring friends. The more the merrier!