The web is chockablock with blogs, thoroughly covering everyone’s opinion about every subject under the sun, and Catholicism, to be sure, is no exception. There are over one-billion Catholics on the planet and, while there aren’t quite as many Catholic blogs (yet), it’s safe to say that the Internet hosts a prodigious number of them. So why add another virtual voice to an already congested, bustling and noisy Catholic cyberspace? Well, there are several reasons for this blog in this city, but first let’s tackle the what before we take on the why.
Cream City Catholic is a resource for Milwaukee Catholics to learn more about their faith and the Church. For starters, this site is not about Jake, Adam and James. From the get-go, we knew that Cream City Catholic would not be about the personalities and self-promotion of the editors. We’re just regular guys, after all. Cream City Catholic is about something much bigger than any one of us. So to that end, we’ll take up thought-provoking issues like the liturgical reform, the new evangelization and contemporary culture. From time to time, we’ll conduct interviews with anyone who has something to say. Keep in mind, Cream City Catholic isn’t a site for the airing of saccharine puff pieces on feel-good religion. We’re not going to shy away from the tough issues or questions. Of course, the weightier issues won’t always be front-and-center. We’ll talk about local hot spots and the day-to-day goings on in the city. After all, everyone needs a recharge from time to time, right?
The earliest European settlers involved in the city’s founding were Catholic, and the seeds of faith they planted have endured to this day. Many of Milwaukee’s most stunning artistic and architectural achievements are found within its Catholic churches. In essence, Cream City Catholic’s mission centers on the rediscovery of a buried treasure; a treasure and culture that represent our history. We are faithful to and pray for the successors to the Apostles, the College of Bishops, under the leadership of Pope Francis and our local shepherd, Archbishop Jerome Listecki.
Those Responsible:
- Jake Ross
- James Berry