* Featured image: The Ascension, detail from the “Speculum Humanae Salvationis” (15 c.), Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague
Today, as advertised, we are cele...
He was born in 1836 in Nantes, one of the four pillar-cities of the ancient Duchy of Brittany, to a rich cloth merchant and his wife. Brittany is, to this day, ...
When you're ten years old, you skitter along, dodging bulky objects, confused by it all. One afternoon, I left the confines of my mother’s overweight Oldsmobile...
What is the Way? What is the Truth? What is the Life?
What does it look like, smell like, sound like? These are the questions to which the heart seeks a defi...
Our deepest hungers are not for food and drink, not for amusements and recreations, not for property and wardrobes, not for notoriety and gossip. We hunger for ...
It's November and a very long winter is on the way. It's two weeks after payday and the account is dry. The car needs work. Mourning and weeping is all well and...
Many people, in many places and many times, have written about the fall of Archbishop Rembert Weakland. It's old news. At this point, regarding the man himself,...
C.S. Lewis- cslewis.com photo
Spiritual reading in the non-fiction category is undeniably invaluable; however, many imaginative souls are far more affected ...
Willa Cather
Written in 1927, Willa Cather’s “Death Comes for the Archbishop” often is described as her greatest artistic achievement. The narrative is base...