I recently finished reading Anthony Esolen’s Sex and the Unreal City-The Demolition of the Western Mind. This book is a must read for those who wish to ga...
Some of those who bear the name ‘Father’ have betrayed their sacred mission; they have preyed on the vulnerable little ones. Heart-brokenness and anger are righ...
Jake is joined by Paul Kengor, Ph.D., renowned expert on Marxism and Communism, to talk about the origins of the insidious disease plaguing our nation today.
Enjoy a thought-provoking and inspiring interview with Tyler Rowley, author of Because of Our Fathers: Twenty-Three Catholics Tell How Their Fathers Led Them t...
Today is the feast of Saint Edmund Campion. Evelyn Waugh's biography of the English Jesuit martyr presents us with a gripping account of his final days. Upon re...
Living in 21st century America can feel like standing with Matthew Arnold by the Strait of Dover, watching the sea retreat into the night:
The sea of f...
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world and sacred landscape we once knew. Adoration chapels are only accessed by a scheduled adorer, Church pews are empty...
Francis Cardinal George, OMI (1937-2015) was an intellectual pillar of the Catholic episcopacy in the United States. I've spoken to a couple of priests who knew...
Over the past few years a number of outstanding books on liturgy have been published. Among these is Signs of the Holy One: Liturgy, Ritual and Expression of th...
I recently finished reading the latest book by Anthony Esolen, Defending Boyhood, How Building Forts, Reading Stories, Playing Ball, and Praying to God Ca...