
It’s that time again. I’m talking about the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, when we remind ourselves that Christ is truly present (body, blood, soul and divinity) in each consecrated Host. Yes, that is what we really believe. This special day used to be marked with lots of outdoor processions with the Blessed Sacrament, incense and song. But processions have faded into distant memory at many parishes in America. It is encouraging to see that, at least at some parishes, this Solemnity is given the attention it deserves. So to that end, there will be a procession to mark the External Solemnity of Corpus Christi this Sunday, immediately after the 10:00AM Mass at Saint Stanislaus. Last year, a large number of parishioners attended the procession, making it a beautiful witness in the community to our belief in the Real Presence. (Saint Stanislaus had only recently acquired the ornate 19th century monstrance from France that you see in the picture above.)